Expect Episode 1 on 2023

Either by early Jan or early Feb the first two episodes should be ready to launch! 

Against all odds we’re finally here! The Crowdfunding was unfortunately a failure-

But that hasn’t stopped the mission! It just means now we release things bit by bit!

Honestly things are looking to be even than the demo! Thank you for all the wait!

Get BUTA: The Summer Of Terror


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I'm glad to hear that the Crowdfunding didn't stop the show. I've been eagerly waiting for this to come out. The demo definitely left me wanting more, and I'm really excited to see where the story goes. Good luck and keep up the great work!

God bless man! This is my first rodeo as a game Dev and I’m starting to find out that delays are pretty natural in the business, lol. Still got a lot to learn but I hope to have 3 episodes done before June at the most, the start of the Japanese summer.